Thursday, March 25, 2010

A week of bedrest, copic credit and a picture I love of Taylor

After a surgery last week that I thought would have me up and back to work after a few days, I'm still under doctors orders for bedrest. That word isn't in my vocab, but believe it or not I am actually doing it. I've slept lots, read lots on the internet, and just sort of kept it quiet about here in the day.
My newest quest is Copic markers and I'm loving all the video tutorials that are about to teach how to use these incredible markers. Next step, to get em out and have some fun. Just gotta get a day or more under my belt and I'll be up and colouring.
I just wanted to give credit to a wonderful site I've been hanging out at and if you have a bit of time dorp on by you just might wanna register and stay a bit. Let em know I sent yah.

Here's a pic from my bunch of that I love of Taylor. Using a Mask-I forget where from-this picture really is one that each time I look at it I love a bit more.


Pryn said...

Glad to hear that you are listening to the docs Lisa! Hoping that you will be back to new in no time at all girlie! So glad that you are at SSC now I won't have to miss you as much ;)
Love the photo of Taylor! She is a beautiful girl! Just like her mama :)

Jennifer said...

Lisa, Wow! girl I sure hope you are feeling better sson. Take the time to rest now because you will be back in action soon! I remember my days in bed-there were many. I had so many surgeries in the past 3 years it's amazing I am as healthy as I am today. I am grateful and cherish every minute of my health. I didn't listen to teh doctors in the beginning because rest was NOT in vocab either. I learned though. Take time to heal. I love the bears on your blog1 Your daughter is beautiful like momma! Fell better girl : )

Dena E's Blog said...

Hey ya Sweets,,hope you've been getting my emails..Oh, we are home now and wanted to check out your blog..Taylor is lookin lovely,,,and prayerfully you're feelin better and better. Drop over and send an email ,,miss ya Girlfriend.. Let me know what you learn on copics I have a bunch of them myself and need encouraging with them.. Guess I am a bit DUH compared to prismacolors.
Kent purchased 1 lg set "A" and a smaller one of the lighter colors.
Do share with me your thoughts..Hugs Dena