Saturday, March 6, 2010

It's been a bit and I've been busy so I thought I better drop in and say hey. The last two weeks it's either been Taylor, Mike or I who have been battling something health wise. Here I sit Saturday night with Taylor on the couch beside me, Mike upstairs probably sleeping and well me here blogging and bopping about on the internet.
I'm still wondering who keeps dropping in from Lubbock Texas, and I'm really hoping that that person will just say hello and introduce themselves. All comments are moderated and nothing is posted until approved by myself.
not much happening here
same old same old
hope that this finds you smiling and enjoying the warm weather if you are in Ontario.
I saw this somewhere and really liked it, thought I would share

and don't forget to drop by Wescrap for the fun that's happening there this weekend....


Jan Hennings said...

hello...just wanted to pop in and say hi! I like that saying too..and so true!
I don't know who might be popping in from can find me hiding in Iowa corn fields :)
Hope you and yours are doing well!

Dena E's Blog said...

Hey cool Jan was here!!!! Ya know it was from her blog Sweet Lisa that I was blessed to know you,,, it was from her followers i saw your tiny lil pic~~~And I thank our awesome God for that and for your notes to my lonely blog... My Sissi is the sweetest since my real little girl is allll growed up. Anyway Big Hugs and I'll send an email of whats new here in Iowa,,and its a bit cold and dreary in these parts. Hope you are well and safe and HAPPY ...
Love ya Girlfriend~~~Dena