Saturday, May 8, 2010

Haven't been about........

I truly thought last year was a year full of life lessons. This year is turning out already to be a year full of lessons that I'd rather not relive any time too soon. Thought I'd let yah know where I've been and why I've been away. About four weeks ago a friend, well someone I thought was a friend started a discussion at the gym, actually in Taylor's karate class. The conversation got a bit aggressive on her part and oh let's say about five times I asked her to end the conversation. She wasn't pleased, and got physical, me I'm maybe a little well let's just say, naive and after she got physical, think I was in shock, and more verbally aggressive I got up and left. She started on the woman next to me who she hardly knew but continued the conversation and continued being aggressive with her. When I walked Taylor has seen what had happened and she waited for a bit and came running out to see if I was ok. I was and told her to go back to class. Next day friend one-who was the issue of the trouble and so called friend two, got together, talked and talked some more. Now here is where I become even more naive. You see to me if I were friend two I would say politely that I was not going to get involved and leave it at that, I would suggest the problem didn't involve me and say that friend one and me needed to work things out. NOPE, didn't happen but a day later both facebooked me, now here is where I think it's gets highschoolish. (Is that a word?) Anyway, I phoned friend two, she says to me she's not getting involved, but continues to tell me that she's given the other advice, well this has my back up especially since her and I have been friends, almost family for eight years. Well this isn't the first time that there has been issues, just happens to be the last. I have told both I am done, that I am not going to be playing games anymore, oh yah I forgot to add that friend two comments during our conversation when were were talking when I asked her a question, that sometimes you have to lie to friends not to hurt their feelings. Well done, the friendship has ended and I have been having a real hard time with it.
Emotionally I know it's the right thing to do, I've been telling Taylor for a long time now that bullying is not acceptable and to walk away from those that have to feel superior by bullying others. But wow does it ever hurt sometimes having to swallow your own medicine. Life's lessons are sometimes hard to accept but something to learn and grow from. It's hard at times as I see the individuals still at the gym, I have decided to go my own way, only because both got verbal when I told them I was done, and took things to a new level by then becoming verbally aggressive, but what is someone to do, I simply thanked them for respecting me and walked away. I'm trying to hold my head high-but it's been an emotional roller coaster with everything else on my plate. One step at a time, baby steps, and well, now yah know why I haven't been about, thanks for understanding and hey why not take a minute to tell me your definition of friendship, I'm still trying to figure it out.


ThePurplePlace said...

Hi Lisa,
Sending you wishes for better days...and hoping you will be feeling MUCH better soon!

PS: You wrote about some "Butterfly" stamps on my BLOG? Which stamps were you referring to? Some I have in duplicate?


Dena E's Blog said...

Hello Sweetie !!!! I saw you were at my blog but there was no note...Hehehehe, it showed on my blogfrog thingy...I feel so bad for you after reading your post and just had to say ~~~Hey ,,and Love Ya !!!
I'm just an email away...My Big Bro was here from my old home state of Calif. and my Niece for a week..It was GREAT but exhausting at the same time..Anyhoo's I am back at my puter and getting cards ready for a delivery trip with my Hubbs...
Wanted you to know I am thinking of YOU!!!
Hugs and Blessings~~~Dena