I sort of needed to post this tonight, just to get things off my chest. This blog seems to be my place to just vent and well tonight I feel I really need to do just that. Things aren't good, and if I had a shadow today I think I would be fighting with it.... so with that said you would be right if you guessed I am fighting, well not fighting but just not getting along with the important people in my life right now, including my mother, my father, my husband, and myself. For a change Taylor isn't included in this mix. She seems to be my saviour right now, my one and only I am able to laugh with. Even after tonight she tells me she lost her desk because when her teacher was having another hissy fit she decided to take out a piece of paper and draw. Now what's wrong with that??? Her father told her to put her head down on the table and cover up her ears. What's more disrespectful, doing that or just drawing. Anyway, I told her congrats she's not perfect like she always thinks she needs to be. Anyway, I'm not in a good mood, not in a great mood in fact in a mood that really sucks and I just can't figure out a way to get out of it.
Tonight I asked someone how to get happy, and they didn't know. How sad when you can't figure that out. If you have any suggestions please let me know I'd be happy to try anything about right now. Leave me a comment I'd love to hear your thoughts!!!
I am so blest to read by chance of your blog. It God's Great Grace because you are so real and open. I will pray for you!
I have a lot of days, where I just want to be happy, but don't know how, I just wish it would spring on me, but it doesn't, I'm a firm believer in making a "choice" to be happy, to let everything go, think about the good in your life, like your daughter, when your sad, think of what you mean to her, think of what she sees in you. She wants you to be happy, she wants to see your smiling face, and hear your laughter just as much as you want to see and hear hers. It's harder than it sounds, trust me, but happiness is a choice... make it!
This is long after your post, and I hope you feel better already. I'm not little miss happy myself and your story sounds all too familiar. What I've decided is to fake it till I make it. And the only way that works for me is to only focus on what is happening right now. Not yesterday, this morning, 10 years ago or hopefully tomorrow, next year, in 20 years. It takes some discipline to call my mind back from its ramblings into the marshes of regret and anger and unforgiveness, but sometimes I get it to listen and I manage to have a few sublime moments. Reading Neale Donald Walsh's books help me and I've recently discovered Craig Hamilton. Some say you grow when you struggle. I hope they're right :) And for the time being, I'm not chasing happiness. I nurture myself moment after moment and trust that life will unfold in whichever way is good for me.
Well, that is the theory, anyway. I haven't had the best of days, either. But thank you for your post - telling you what I need to remember, has already lifted my mood. Take care. Of yourself. All the best.
omg i came accross your blog & firstly it is beautiful & heart felt,I;ve wanted to do the same type of thing just to vent & maybe find like minded people,but felt vaulnerable kinda thing & I;ve not read any blogs & then i find yours & at my stage atm it was encouraging & will stay in touch,much in common:}Lisa
Watch the river flow without becoming attached to it...
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